Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Royal Hawaiian - Part 3

The Royal Hawaiian Hotel Today (2011)


Drew's Note -
     My Father was the Assistant Manager of the Royal Hawaiian, sometime in the late 1950's, when it was owned by Matson, He left the Royal Hawaiian to be a Purser on the great white ships of the Matson Line.

1 comment:

  1. Drew,
    Thank u for this blog. I use to work at Hearst Castle for 6 years. I was wondering where the mai tai bar was originally located on the grounds. I dont see it in the aerial historical pics. Also where would a notable such as amelia Earhart or shirley temple would have stayed? Did they keep guest sign in books. At Hearst castle that log is missing but we think one of the Hearsts must have it. Thanks so much for your time.
